Resetting your Boxee Box – JESSEWEB
The quick way is to go into Settings -> Network -> Servers, and enter a new hostname (which now contains the hack), just remove everything in the edit field and type e.g. boxeebox. Then switch the boxee box off and back on again. You now no longer have the hack running, and everything should be … Discussion forum for All Things Boxee - Boxee Box, Boxee May 10, 2010 Don't throw your Boxee Boxes away just yet : boxee May 10, 2010 Resetting your Boxee Box – JESSEWEB
Astrill Setup Manual:Change Gateway and DNS on Boxee Box
boxee.iso. Boxee Box software updates are distributed as a file named boxee.iso. The file is not an CD-ROM ISO per se, but actually a SquashFS filesystem. These updates appear to perform a fresh OS install, rather than applying incremental updates. In Recovery Mode, the system can install a boxee.iso file from a USB storage device. In this way Iomega TV with Boxee + Storage: Media player and NAS
Jul 30, 2019
Media players have problems connecting to Windows 10 TP shares