In order to be able to start the TeamSpeak 3 server, you must accept the TeamSpeak license terms. To do this, execute the command touch .ts3server_license_accepted. This creates a file which indicates that you accepted these license terms. Now you can execute the start script to start the TeamSpeak 3 server.
How to Install Teamspeak 3 Server on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit Aug 14, 2017 Tutorial: How to Install a TeamSpeak 3 Server on Linux In order to be able to start the TeamSpeak 3 server, you must accept the TeamSpeak license terms. To do this, execute the command touch .ts3server_license_accepted. This creates a file which indicates that you accepted these license terms. Now you can execute the start script to start the TeamSpeak 3 server.
How to Install and Use TeamSpeak Server on CentOS 7
[Outdated] Complete guide to setup a TeamSpeak 3 Server on
How to Install Teamspeak 3 Server on CentOS 8
How to Make a Server on TeamSpeak - Tech Junkie Jun 06, 2020 How to Make Your Own Teamspeak Server