DD-WRT Companion - Apps on Google Play
Modifying The DD-WRT GUI – /dev/ttyS0 The DD-WRT Web pages (*.asp, *.htm, *.gif, *.css) in each firmware image are protected in order to prevent modification. Being able to customize the Web interface can be advantageous for those wishing to add compatibility with mobile/uncommon browsers, change themes, add links, etc. dd wrt - DD-WRT (Virtual)AP with guest and private WIFI Just wanted to say thanks for posting this. You solved my issue of having DDWRT act as an AP (passthrough DHCP) except for guest wifi. I would add at least two more rules to the last step iptables -I INPUT -i br1 -d DDWRT_LAN_IP_ADDR -m state --state NEW -j DROP and iptables -I INPUT -i br1 -d BR1_IP_ADDR -m state --state NEW -j DROP to prevent the guest wifi clients from interacting with the
Web interface - DD-WRT Wiki
add mac address clone option for both wifi interfaces - DD-WRT I use 2 different SSIDs and but the same password and encryption. The 862L is a WDS Station connected to my WDS AP (Main router). The 862L will reboot every few hours (setup to reboot if it loses connection from the main router, checks every 5 min). If I disable the 5GHz interface … DD-WRT vs. Tomato firmware - deepwebsiteslinks DD-WRT also let’s us use repeaters on alternate subnets if we need the specific feature, while it’s limited to repeater bridge with Tomato. Features which Tomato Boasts of and DD-WRT isn’t Equipped with: For starters, Tomato is way easier to setup than DD-WRT. Its graphical interface makes it newbie friendly, which DD-WRT clearly lacks.
Jun 26, 2014 · DD-WRT Interface Confusion for VLANs 26 Jun One of our most popular posts was information on how to do VLANs and OpenVPN on DD-WRT , but I just recently discovered a couple of mistakes in the iptables rules due to come confusion over how DD-WRT handles interface names for the primary LAN.
The DD-WRT Web pages (*.asp, *.htm, *.gif, *.css) in each firmware image are protected in order to prevent modification. Being able to customize the Web interface can be advantageous for those wishing to add compatibility with mobile/uncommon browsers, change themes, add links, etc. dd wrt - DD-WRT (Virtual)AP with guest and private WIFI